
This tutorial walks through the basic use of the Cookiecutter PyData (i.e. cc-pydata) template, as well as some of this template’s more important features.

cc-pydata project template structure

When you generate a cc-pydata data science project from this template (see Generating a new template), the resulting project will have the following directory structure:

cc-pydata Project Directory
├── README.rst        <- Top-level README for developers
├── CHANGLOG.rst      <- Documents version-by-version changes
├── Pipfile           <- Requirements file for reproducing the
│                        analysis environment using the Pipenv
│                        package manager
│                        (see pipenv.readthedocs.io)
├── .env              <- Sets project-specific environmnt variables
│                        such as credentials that you do not want
│                        committed to Git history
├── data              <- All data files related to the project.
│   │                    Files contained in this directory are
│   │                    ommitted from Git history via .gitignore
│   ├── raw/          <- The original data file(s) that, for the
│   │                    purpose of reproducibility, should never
│   │                    be modified
│   ├── interim/      <- Data that has been cleaned or transformed
│   └── processed/    <- The final data set(s) used for modeling
├── docs              <- A default Sphinx project for generating
│   │                    project documentation
│   └── _static
│       └── figures/  <- Generated graphics and figures to be used
│                        in Sphinx generated docs
├── models/           <- Trained and serialized models, model
│                        predictions, or model summaries
├── notebooks/        <- Jupyter notebooks, named using a number
│                        and descriptive title so sequential run-
│                        order and purpose are explicit, e.g.
│                        "001-EDA-property-assessments.ipynb"
├── references        <- Data dictionaries, manuals, and all other
│   │                    explanatory materials
│   └── third-party/  <- Third-party and copyrighted materials you
│                        do not want committed to Git history
├── reports           <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, etc.
│   └── figures/      <- Generated graphics and figures to be used
│                        in reporting
├── src               <- Source code for use in this project
│   └── <package-name>
│       ├── data/          <- Submodule for downloading and
│       │                     cleansing data
│       ├── features/      <- Submodule for generating engineered
│       │                     features for modeling
│       ├── models/        <- Submodule for training models and
│       │                     generating predictions
│       ├── visualizations/<- Submodule for generating
│       │                     visualizations
│       ├── logger/        <- Submodule for project logging-related
│       │                     functionality
│       ├── __init__.py    <- Makes src a Python module
│       ├── __main__.py    <- Entry point module
│       └── cli.py         <- Module for creating the command line
│                             interface for the project
├── .gitignore        <- Specified files to exclude from Git
│                        history (as a default, `.env`, `./data/`
│                        files, and `*/third-party/` files are all
│                        excluded)
├── .travis.yml       <- Configuration for Travis-CI services
│                        (see travis-ci.com)
├── logging.json      <- Default logging configuration dictionary
├── setup.py          <- Setup script for the project using
├── setup.cfg         <- Option defaults for setup.py commands
└── tox.ini           <- Default tox-automated test configuration

Generating a new template

0. Ensure all prerequisites are met

See the Requirements section of the cc-pydata README documentation to ensure basic system dependencies are met.

1. Initiate the template using Cookiecutter

Generating a cc-pydata project template is as simple as running the following command from your terminal:

cookiecutter gh:sedelmeyer/cc-pydata

Alternatively, if you have a local working copy of the cc-pydata project in which you’ve made customizations to the template, you can run:

cookiecutter <path-to-directory>/cc-pydata

2. Complete template prompts required to generate the template

The below listed prompts will be presented on the command-line after initiating your project template (see Step 1 above). For each prompt, default values will be presented in brackets (i.e. full_name [Bob Smith]:).

To modify defaults or customize these prompts, you can do so in the cookiecutter.json file. Additional information on the cookiecutter.json file can be found in the Cookiecutter “choice variables” documentation.

Additionally, if you would like to auto-populate the values for any of these prompts, you can also create a .cookiecutterrc configuration file as is outlined in the Cookiecutter “user config” documentation.

“Choice variable” template prompts

  1. full_name

  • Main author of this library or application (used in setup.py and docs/conf.py)

  • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file

  1. email

  • Contact email of the author (used in setup.py)

  • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file

  1. website

  • Website of the author (not yet used in resulting template).

  • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file

  1. github_username

  • GitHub user name of this project (used for GitHub links in setup.py and docs/conf.py)

  • Can be set in your ~/.cookiecutterrc config file

  1. project_name

  • Verbose project name (used in headings in README.rst, docs/index.rst, etc.)

  1. repo_name

  • Repository root-directory name and repo name on GitHub (used in setup.py, docs/conf.py, and for GitHub links)

  1. package_name

  • Python package name (the source code package name as you would import it in your code, i.e.: import package_name)

  1. distribution_name

  • PyPI distribution name (what you would pip install)

  1. project_short_description

  • One line description of the project (used in README.rst, setup.py, and docs/conf.py)

  1. release_date

  • Release date of the project (ISO 8601 format), defaults to today (used in CHANGELOG.rst)

  1. year_from

  • Initial copyright year (used in Sphinx docs/conf.py)

  1. version

  • Release version, defaults to 0.0.0 (used in setup.py and docs/conf.py)

  1. scm_versioning

  • Enables the use of setuptools-scm, defaults to yes (there is currently no option to turn this off, all projects will include this capability by default)

  1. license

  • License to use in the rendered template

  • Available options:

    • MIT license

    • BSD 2-Clause license

    • BSD 3-Clause license

    • ISC license

    • Apache Software License 2.0

    • Not open source

  • If need help deciding which license to pick, see this: https://choosealicense.com/

  1. test_runner

  • Available options: pytest only

  1. linter

  • Available options: flake8 only

  1. command_line_interface

  • Enables a CLI bin/executable file.

  • Available options: argparse only

  1. command_line_interface_bin_name

  • Name of the CLI bin/executable file (used to set the console script name in setup.py and the name you would use to invoke the CLI from your terminal)

  1. travis

  • Adds a default Travis-CI badge and .travis.yml configuration file to the rendered template, defaults to yes

  • Available options:

    • yes

    • no

  1. tox

  • Adds a default tox.ini test automation configuration file to the rendered template, defaults to yes

  • Available options:

    • yes

    • no

3. Initiate git version control

The first thing you should do once your template has been generated is to cd into your new repository and initialize git:

cd <newly-generate-directory>
git init

This step will be required prior to inititating your Pipenv environment because setuptools-scm is used for versioning your newly generated package. If Git has not yet been initialized for your project, the pipenv install of your local package will fail in the next step below.

4. Install your new pipenv environment from the Pipfile

Once you have Git version control initiated (see Step 3 above), you can build your working Pipenv virtual environment:

pipenv install --dev

Note that the --dev option is specified so that both development and package dependencies are installed in your Pipenv environment.

To activate your environment after it has been created:

pipenv shell

To deactivate your environment:


For a more complete overview of how to use pipenv for package and dependencies management, please see the Pipenv project page.

Congratulations! You’ve stood up a new cc-pydata data science project template!

Now it’s time to explore some of the features of this template!

Packaging characteristics of this template

Using pipenv to manage your project dependencies

If you are new to pipenv for dependency and package management, it may take a little time to get used to it. The best place to start is by taking some time to review core principles, benefits, and usage on the Pipenv project page.

Chances are, if you have been using virtualenv or conda to manage your Python virtual environments up to this point, then you’ll probably wonder how you’ve made it this far without using pipenv previously. As is described on the Pipenv project page:

Pipenv is a tool that aims to bring the best of all packaging worlds (bundler, composer, npm, cargo, yarn, etc.) to the Python world. Windows is a first-class citizen, in our world.

“It automatically creates and manages a virtualenv for your projects, as well as adds/removes packages from your Pipfile as you install/uninstall packages. It also generates the ever-important Pipfile.lock, which is used to produce deterministic builds.”

Adding / installing dependencies using pipenv

As was shown in the section 4. Install your new pipenv environment from the Pipfile above, creating a pipenv environment and Pipfile.lock deterministic build is as easy as running pipenv install --dev from your cc-pydata project directory.

To add additional dependencies to your project, you can either:

  1. Edit your Pipfile list of dependencies directly, adding application-specific dependencies under the [packages] section or development-specific dependencies under the [dev-packages] section of the Pipfile, then run pipenv install --dev to install the dependencies and update the Pipfile.lock build document.

  2. Or, more easily, you can run pipenv install <pip-package-name> to add and install a new application dependency, or pipenv install --dev <pip-package-name> to add and install a new development dependency. When you add a dependency in this manner, not only will the dependency be installed in your pipenv environment, but pipenv will also automatically updated your Pipfile and Pipfile.lock to reflect the newly added dependency.

There are many additional actions you can take to update and change dependencies using pipenv.

  • To learn more, please see the documentation on the basic usage of Pipenv.

  • If your preference is to manage dependencies using the setup.py install_requires argument, please take some time to read the distinctions between Pipfile vs. setup.py, and think carefully about the distinctions between managing dependencies for a Python “application” such as that which you are creating with the cc-pydata template versus a Python “library”, which the cc-pydata template is not.

Installing your local cc-pydata package as an editable

If you inspect the cc-pydata template’s default Pipfile, you will see that pipenv will install your newly created local cc-pydata package as an “editable” under the [packages] section of that Pipfile. More specifically, the line in the Pipfile that reads:

package_name = {editable = true,path = "."}

…is equivalent to running this from the command line:

pipenv install -e .

…which is similar to running the following command in plain old pip if you were not working from a virtual environment:

pip install -e .

Managing environment variables with the .env file

When you generate a new cc-pydata project using this template, by default you will be provided with a .env file in which you can set environment variables specific to your project.

  • This .env file can be used for setting secret keys, credentials, or filepaths you need for your project, but would like to keep secret.

  • By default, the .gitignore for this project is set to ignore the .env file.

  • It is strongly, strongly, strongly suggested that you NEVER commit your .env file to source control, or else you will have compromised any credentials saved to that file.

Typically, to load and access the environment variables saved to your .env file you would need to use a tool such as python-dotenv.

But alas, because we are using pipenv to manage our cc-pydata project environment, pipenv will automatically load your .env environment variables to your environment when you enter your pipenv shell or use pipenv run.

For instance, if you have a secret key you wish to access programatically when running your cc-pydata package locally, you can add the following to your .env file:


pipenv will seamlessly take care of loading this .env-stored enviroment variable in the background.

Then, to access that secret key directly within your code, you simply need to access it using os.getenv:

import os

SECRET_KEY = os.getenv("SECRET_KEY")

To learn more about this pipenv behavior, please see the documentation on Pipenv loading of .env.

Accessing modules in your package from a Jupyter Notebook

If you would like to incorporate Jupyter notebooks into your cc-pydata project, you will first need to install the jupyter package in your pipenv environment:

pipenv install --dev jupyter

Then, once jupyter is installed, you can start your notebook server by running:

pipenv shell
jupyter notebook

It is recommended that you create and store all Jupyter notebooks in the provided notebooks directory for consistency.

The cc-pydata package module is configured in such a way that, if you wish to import that package for your current notebook session, you simply use the following syntaxt for import:

# example of importing the local `visualizations` module
from <package-name> import visualizations

# or, importing only one function from that module
from <package-name>.visualizations import <function-name>

Therefore, there is no need to import src. Instead, you can use the more natural convention of importing your package based on its actual name.

Versioning your project with git tags and setuptools_scm

The cc-pydata template is configured to make use of setuptools_scm to manage and track your cc-pydata project’s current version.

There are a number of different ways to maintain a Python project’s current version. For a survey of different approaches to maintain a “single source of truth” for the version number of your project (i.e. where you only need to update the version in one single location), please see this article on Single-sourcing the package version. cc-pydata makes use of option #7 in that article.

By using setuptools_scm, your cc-pydata application pulls the version number directly from the latest git tag associated with your project.

Therefore, instead of manually setting a global __version__ variable in your application, you simply add a tag when you commit a new version of your application to master.

Implications for choosing an effective git branching methodology

To use setuptools_scm effectively, you’ll likely want to use a proper/consistent git branching methodology while building and maintaining your project.

  • At a minimum, you should perform all of your development work on separate non-master git branches, and only when features are complete, “release” them by merging them into your master branch.

  • Therefore, each time you merge a set of your changes into master, that event should be considered a release.

  • Thus, a release merged into master would require you tag it with a new version number.

For instance, say you have a set of tested features on a develop branch that are ready for release…

You would first merge it into master (and consider using the --no-ff argument to prevent fast-forward merges, thus maintaining the context of your branches and the branching topology of your git history):

# Assuming your 'develop' branch is your current active branch
git checkout master

git merge --no-ff develop

git tag -a v0.3.0 -m "Add a set of features that ..."

As you can see in the steps above, once the set of new features are merged into your master branch, you would then immediately add an “annotated” (designated by the -a argument) version tag, and comment it with a brief message describing the release.

Now, if you were to check the version of your project:

python setup.py --version

setuptools_scm would provide you the following result:


Then, once you have completed and tagged your merge into master, you would push your latest release changes (including the new tag) to your desired remote and switch back your “development” branch so you don’t accidentally make any additional changes to master:

git push origin master
git push origin v0.3.0
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff master

Now, because you are past your prior release, if you were to re-run python setup.py --version, you’d receive a result similar to this:


Voilà! You have released a new version of your project!

To systematize your branching methodology in a manner similar to this, please take some time to:

While you’re at it, why not do yourself a favor and also add some some useful and consistent context to each of your commits by using the:

Implications for using Semantic Versioning as a consistent version-numbering scheme

According to the setuptools_scm documentation, it is required to always include a “patch version” in your tagged version numbers.

That means:

  • If you are releasing v0.3.0 as was demonstrated in the previous section,

  • Then be certain to include the final “0”, which indicates the “patch version” of that release.

In fact, while you’re at it, why not just consistently use Semantic Versioning (i.e. SemVer) for every release you tag in git.

  • SemVer is clean, easy to use, and it conveys important meaning about the underlying code in your package and what has been modified from one version to the next.

  • An added benefit, setuptools_scm is expected to switch to SemVer as its default behavior in the future.

At its core, SemVer uses the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH increment scheme for version numbering. As is specified in the SemVer documentation:

  1. You change the MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,

  2. You change the MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and

  3. You change the PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

Therefore, each version you release to master should always be tagged with three distinct period-separated digits, such as in the example:

git tag -a v0.3.0 -m "Add a set of features that ..."

Documenting your project using Sphinx and GitHub Pages

Getting started with Sphinx and reStructuredText

The resulting project template is configured to use reStructuredText and Sphinx to generate and maintain your project documentation. By defult, sphinx has been added as a dev-packages requirement to the template’s base Pipfile. Therefore, when you run pipenv install --dev for the first time for your new project (see 4. Install your new pipenv environment from the Pipfile), sphinx will be installed to your pipenv virtual environment by default.

Generating and previewing your site HTML

Sphinx provides a convenient Makefile for performing basic site-building tasks. Generating (and re-generating) your Sphinx site’s HTML is as easy as following the next two steps:

  1. Navigate to your project’s docs/ directory:

    cd docs/
  2. Run the make command for building your HTML:

    make html

If your reStructuredText contains any errors, Sphinx will tell you as it builds your HTML.

Your generated HTML, CSS, and related site files will now be located in the project’s docs/_build/html/ directory.

At any time you can preview your generated site content by opening your site’s index.html file and navigating throughout your generated site files.

  • If you are using Ubuntu, you can open your site content with your default web-browser by using this command:

    xdg-open docs/_built/html/index.html
  • If you are using a different operating system, use the appropriate command or simply open the index.html with your system’s GUI.

It is recommended that you DO NOT git commit those generated site files to your master branch. It is poor practice (and an inefficient use of git history storage) to commit your site source files and generate site HTML content to the same git branch. Instead, please refer to the section Hosting your project documentation using GitHub Pages. That section outlines a recommended workflow for managing and commiting your generated site content using GitHub Pages.

Auto-generating documentation for your custom package modules

Sphinx is a powerful tool for auto-generating API documentation directly from the docstrings embedded within your code. In other words, if you take the time to document your code correctly using docstrings, your API reference material can largely write itself.

There are several approaches you can take to accomplish this. Options include:

  1. Manual configuration of API reference materials using the sphinx.ext.autodoc autodoc Sphinx extension;

  2. Manual configuration of API reference materials using the sphinx.ext.autosummary autsummary Sphinx extension;

  3. Fully automated generation of API reference materials using the sphinx-apidoc command line utility, which relies on the autodoc extension;

  4. Automatic generation of API reference materials by setting the autosummary extension’s autosummary_generate = True parameter in your Sphinx conf.py file;

  5. …a combination of any of the approaches listed above.

Each approach listed above has its own pros and cons which are far too detailed to explore here. For a great comparison of using the automodule versus the autosummary extension, please see this article by Roman Miroshnychenko. Otherwise, please refer to the autodoc, sphinx-apidoc, autosummary, and autosummary_generate links provided in the list above.

I am sure approaches other than those listed above exist as well, but you should be able to accomplish everything you need to accomplish using these tools, so I will save myself the time it would take to provide a more exhaustive list.

If you have questions about the proper syntax for writing Sphinx-friendly reStructuredText docstrings in your Python code, please see:

You may also find Sphinx’s documentation on its Python Domain directives to be extremely useful while trying to embed references within your docstrings.

Sphinx can also generate documentation from the Google- and Numpy-formatted docstring styles with the help of the sphinx.ext.napoleon Sphinx extension. If either of those docstring formats are your jam, please see the napoleon documentation.


  • The first time you run make html as was described in Generating and previewing your site HTML, the docs/modules.rst file contained in the default cc-pydata template will generate a starter “API Reference” page documenting all modules and functions already contained in the cc-pydata template. That initial modules.rst file makes use of the manual approach #1 listed above and uses the sphinx.ext.autodoc extension’s automodule directive to generate that starter documentation.

  • All Sphinx extensions listed above, including sphinx.ext.autodoc, sphinx.ext.autosummary, and sphinx.ext.napoleon are imported by default in the cc-pydata template’s conf.py Sphinx configuration file.

Rationale for using reStructuredText instead of Markdown

GitHub, Jupyter notebooks, and other static site generators typically rely on Markdown as a lightweight markup language.


  • So then, why does the cc-pydata project template use reStructuredText instead of Markdown?

  • Afterall, reStructuredText is a bit more verbose and not quite as frictionless for an author to use compared to Markdown.


  • Because benefits abound, particularly for technical writing (once you get past the initial learning curve).

  • And, because the primary assumption is that you’ll be writing technical content to document and support your Python-based cc-pydata project, reStructuredText is the better choice.

Here are a few primary reasons worth highlighting:

  • reStructuredText supports semantic meaning in a manner not supported by Markdown,

  • reStructuredText is extensible and standardized while any Markdown implementation that is feature-rich enough to even begin supporting moderate-to-heavy technical writing needs will come in many flavors which are not always portable between different platforms without tedious modification,

  • reStructuredText is a stable “go-to”, has been around for a while, and has been used heavily in the Python community since 2002,

  • reStructuredText is the default markup language for Sphinx (see more about why we are using Sphinx in the section below) and integrates well with Sphinx’s more powerful directives

Rationale for using Sphinx instead of Jekyll, Pelican, or some other static site generator

GitHub Pages strongly favors GitHub’s homegrown static site generator Jekyll and it’s hella simple to use for some basic web publishing needs.

  • Unfortunately, Jekyll is a Ruby-based tool.

  • That means, if you use Jekyll, you’ll need to run both a Ruby environment and Python environment to publish your cc-pydata documentation.

Meanwhile, Sphinx is through-and-through a Python-based tool (in fact the documentation for the Python language itself is published using Sphinx)!

  • The second major drawback for Jekyll is, it’s not a tool custom-suited for documenting code.

  • This drawback also applies to the Python-based Pelican site generator and many other static site generators.

  • They typically provide no means for auto-generating project documentation directly from the custom code contained in your packaged Python library.

  • Sphinx, on the otherhand, excels at this task!

As was illustrated above (see Auto-generating documentation for your custom package modules), Sphinx offers powerful built-in extensions such as sphinx.ext.autodoc for generating and organizing your project documentation, pulling documentation directly from the docstrings in your code.

Information about other popular “built-in” Sphinx extensions that help to make Sphinx a smart choice for technical documentation can be found in the “Extensions” section of the Sphinx documentation.

Adding a logo to your Sphinx site

The default theme used for the Sphinx docs in the cc-pydata template is called Alabaster. It’s clean, responsive, and configurable. Did I mention it was clean?

The Alabaster theme provides a simple option for adding a site logo to the top of the lefthand navbar. A reasonable width for that logo image is 200 pixels. To add a logo to your cc-pydata project documentation, simply:

  1. Save your 200-pixel-width image file (e.g. as .jpg or .png file) to the docs/ directory, and name it docs/logo.png (with the appropriate file extension of course).

  2. Go to the docs/conf.py file and uncomment the logo setting in the html_theme_options dictionary.

  3. Then make html and your new logo image should appear in the generated site HTML.

Adding a favicon to your Sphinx site

Similar to the site logo, if you wish to add a favicon image to your Alabaster-themed Sphinx site:

  1. Generate your favicon.ico image at 16x16 pixels, or 32x32, or whatever size makes the most sense given current browser standards and backwards compatibility concerns (truthfully, I couldn’t care less and would just choose a size that works for your browser of choice).

  2. Save it as docs/favicon.ico.

  3. Go to the docs/conf.py file and uncomment the html_favicon = '_static/favicon.ico' line and make html again.

Hosting your project documentation using GitHub Pages

Outlined here is the basic Git workflow for hosting your Sphinx-generated project documentation on GitHub Pages. There are several different methods for configuring GitHub to host your project documentation. The one we will use here is to use a separate gh-pages Git branch for just your Sphinx-generate site content.

While GitHub can be configured to use the base directory of your master branch or the ./docs directory of your master branch, using a separate gh-pages branch for your site content has the added benefit of keeping your source content separate from your Sphinx-generated build content. This will help to keep your master branch git history storage from ballooning with built site content, particularly when that content can be rebuilt at any time using your historical Git commits.

The basic steps for publishing your GitHub pages content are as follows:

  • After running make html to generate your site content, you need to first create an orphaned gh-pages branch. Note that this only needs to be done the first time you create this branch:

    git checkout --orphan gh-pages
  • By default, all existing files not excluded by your .gitignore will be staged in your new branch. You will need to remove them all from staging with this command:

    git rm --cached -r .
  • Once they’re removed from staging and no longer tracked by Git, you can delete them from the gh-pages branch all together. (Don’t worry, they will still exist on your master branch.):

    git clean -id
  • You will then receive a prompt asking you what you want to do. The command you want to specify is c (clean). By cleaning your repo, your gh-pages branch will be left containing only your .git/ directory, as well as any other files previously ignored by Git as specified by your .gitignore file (including your docs/_build/html/ site content).

  • Now, to be certain we don’t delete or commit any of the other files you had ignored by Git on your master branch (because these will vanish from your master branch too if you accidentally delete them), you want to checkout your master version of .gitignore:

    git checkout master -- .gitignore
  • If you type git status you will see that this command has placed your master .gitignore in your gh-pages staging area, and you will see that Git has gone back to ignoring the other files you’d like ignored. Commit it as such:

    git commit -m "git: add .gitignore from master"
  • Now you want to place all of your Sphinx-generated site content into your gh-pages base directory for rendering by GitHub Pages:

    cp -r docs/_build/html/* .
  • Next, add a blank .nojekyll file to your directory to tell GitHub that you are not using Jekyll (the default site generator for GitHub Pages) to generate your site:

    touch .nojekyll
  • If you check git status, you will see that your site content is now visible to git because we have taken it out of the previously ignored docs/_build/ directory.

  • Add your site content files to your staging area and commit them:

    git add -A
    git commit -m "docs: add <current release version> site content"
  • Then, push the changes to GitHub:

    git push origin gh-pages
  • Once committed and pushed, you can return to any of your other branches to continue work on your project:

    git checkout master
  • Next time you want to return to your gh-pages branch to load your latest Sphinx-generated site content to GitHub Pages, you can just checkout that branch and follow the above outlined process again starting with the step of copying over your latest .gitignore in case you’ve made any edits to it on master:

    git checkout gh-pages
    git checkout master -- .gitignore

Accessing your new site on GitHub Pages

Once you have pushed the first version of your gh-pages branch to GitHub, GitHub will automatically generate a new site. To view this site, go to your project repo on GitHub, go to Settings, and scroll down until you see the GitHub Pages section of your settings.

There should now appear a hyperlink indicating the URL at which your new site is located. Follow that link and you can preview your site.

Test configuration and continuous integration with Travis-CI

Unit-testing your project and using the pytest test-runner

Location of cc-pydata unit tests

The cc-pydata template, by default, provides a tests/ directory at the same level as the src/ directory.

  • Opinions and rationale about where to store Python unit tests vary.

  • Some people prefer storing unit tests directly within their modules, some under src/, but outside their actual modules, and others in the manner we have done here for cc-pydata.

  • Sometimes circumstances and/or preferences warrant using one location over another.

  • To keep things simple, and to make it easy to locate tests in your project, the current tests/ location has been chosen for the cc-pydata template.

  • However, you should feel free to relocate your unit tests to a different location if it makes sense for you or your project.

pytest test-runner

  • pytest and pytest-cov are installed as default dev-packages in the base Pipfile included with the cc-pydata project template.

  • Pytest makes for a simple yet powerful test-runner for test discovery, reporting, and simple diagnostics; and pytest-cov produces coverage reports.

Running unit tests using pytest

At any time during development of your cc-pydata project, you can run your entire suite of unit tests. The two easiest methods for doing this are:

  1. If you aren’t currently in your project’s pipenv environment, run:

    pipenv run pytest
  2. If you are currently in your pipenv shell, run:

    python -m pytest
    # or even more simply just the single word command...

The pytest test-runner is a powerful command-line tool. There are far too many features to describe here. For a good overview:

Running pytest will provide a convenient summary as tests are run. As an example, your default cc-pydata test output will look something like this if there are no test failures:

============================== test session starts ===============================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.5, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/Code/project_name, inifile: setup.cfg, testpaths: tests, project_name
plugins: cov-2.10.0
collected 11 items

tests/test_project_name.py ...                                             [ 27%]
tests/data/test_data.py .                                                  [ 36%]
tests/features/test_features.py .                                          [ 45%]
tests/logger/test_logger.py ....                                           [ 81%]
tests/models/test_models.py .                                              [ 90%]
tests/visualizations/test_visualizations.py .                              [100%]

----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.7.5-final-0 -----------
Name                                          Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
src/project_name/__init__.py                      7      2      0      0    71%
src/project_name/__main__.py                      3      1      2      1    60%
src/project_name/cli.py                           6      0      0      0   100%
src/project_name/data/__init__.py                 2      0      0      0   100%
src/project_name/features/__init__.py             2      0      0      0   100%
src/project_name/logger/__init__.py              41      2     14      5    87%
src/project_name/models/__init__.py               2      0      0      0   100%
src/project_name/visualizations/__init__.py       2      0      0      0   100%
TOTAL                                            65      5     16      6    86%

=============================== 11 passed in 0.16s ===============================

Test matrix automation using tox

The cc-pydata template includes the options to render the resulting template with tox automated testing.

If you are not familiar with Python’s test automation tool Tox, learning to use it is well worth the investment in time.

If you review the tox.ini configuration file contained in the template directory, you will see that tox automation for this project is configured to:

  1. Run the template’s unit tests on several different versions of Python to ensure compatibility with each of those versions,

  2. Run a test build of the project template’s default Sphinx documentation to ensure docs build successfully, and…

  3. Run a flake8 linting test to ensure all of the Python syntax in the template meets PEP 8 standards.

To run these automated tox tests, you simply run the tox command from within your active pipenv development environment.

Alternatively, you can run individual tox environments (instead of all at once) by explcitly specifying the environment you wish to run, such as:

tox -e docs

If you select "no" for the tox choice variable prompt during the cc-pydata template rendering process, there will be no tox.ini file contained in the final rendered template and tox will not be included in the Pipfile dev-packages requirements.

Configuring and leveraging Travis-CI for your project

The cc-pydata project template offers the option to configure the rendered template to use Travis-CI services for continuous integration testing.

If you select "no" for the travis choice variable prompt during the cc-pydata template rendering process, there will be neither a .travis.yml file added to the finished template, nor will there be a Travis build-badge included in the rendered template’s default documentation.

The default .travis.yml configuration file

The configuration of the default .travis.yml file changes depending on whether the tox option is selected or deselected during the template rendering process.

If "yes" is selected for both the travis and tox options, then the rendered .travis.yml configuration file will trigger a Travis-CI build which runs all of the default tox environments specified in the template’s tox.ini.

If "no" is selected for the tox option, but "yes" is selected for travis, then the resulting .travis.yml configuration file will run a Travis-CI build that installs the template’s pipenv requirements and runs:

  1. A tests stage that calls the pytest test-runner to ensure all tests pass, as well as…

  2. An answers stage that ensures the template package’s main entry-point exits with a status of 0 when run.

To illustrate the syntax of the .travis.yml file, below is a snippet showing what is contained in the cc-pydata default .travis.yml file when tox is not enabled for the template (with comments added to describe what each item means).

# This first section tells travis-ci.com what coding language and
# which distribution and versions to use for your build.
language: python
dist: xenial
- 3.7

# This section tells travis-ci what commands to run. Note that the
# first thing it will do is install the required pipenv
# environment.
- pip install pipenv
- pipenv install --system --deploy --ignore-pipfile

# This tells travis-ci to only run builds when you push your master
# or develop branches. Therefore, travis builds will ot run for any
# other branches.
- master
- develop

# This defines the build "stages" you wish to run. Note here, that
# the "answers" stage will only be executed when your master branch
# is pushed. The "test" stage on the otherhand, it will run for
# both the master and develop branches as specified in the previous
# section.
- test
- name: answers
    if: branch = master

# This section specifies what travis-ci should do for each stage
# you have defined above. For the "test" stage, your pipenv
# environment will be installed and your tests will execute using
# the pytest test runner set to verbose mode. For the "answers"
# stage, the code in your cc-pydata package's main module will be
# run.
    - stage: test
    script: pytest -v
        - pip install pipenv
        - pipenv install --system --deploy --dev --ignore-pipfile

    - stage: answers
    - python3 -m {{ cookiecutter.package_name }}

Setting up travis-ci.com to run CI builds for your project

In order for Travis-CI to run builds for your project when you push to your GitHub-hosted master or develop remote branches, you will need to authorize Travis-CI for your GitHub account and for your specific cc-pydata rendered template repository on GitHub.

For instructions on how to accomplish this, please see the Travis-CI instructions on how to get started with GitHub.

Logging configuration and out-of-the-box cc-pydata logging features

The cc-pydata template provides some useful default, yet easily modified, logging capabilities out-of-the-box for your data science project.

The defaults provided (and described below), rely only on the logging module included in Python’s standard library.

Default logging configuration

The default logging configuration of the cc-pydata application provides the flexibility to program logging events into your application, then to easily choose whether or not to enable logging of those events for any given session in which you import and run your application.

For intance:

  • If you don’t explicitly initialize an active handler during your session, a package-level do-nothing NullHandler will silence all logging events generated by your application.

  • On the otherhand, if you do want events actively logged during your session, you easily use the custom logger.start_logging() function call provided in the base cc-pydata template.

More on both of these options are outlined below…

The package-level NullHandler initialized at import

As a default, a do-nothing handler (a.k.a. logging.NullHandler()) is set at the time of import for your cc-pydata application. This behavior helps to ensure logs are not printed unless you explicity choose to activate logging while running your cc-pydata application.

To accomplish this, the top-level __init__.py file contains the following code:

import logging


This ensures a handler is always found for your application’s logging events, preventing unwanted logging to occur unless you explicity set a different handler. For more information on this, please see the logging documentation’s notes on best practices for configuring logging for a library.

Initializing active logging with the <package-name>.logger.start_logging() function

To active logging for any given session during which you import and run your cc-pydata application, all you need to do is run the provided <package-name>.logger.start_logging() custom function.

As a default, start_logging will import the logging dictionary configuration specified in the provided logging.json file contained in the default cc-pydata project template.

If that logging.json file is not available, or if you call the start_logging function with its default arguments from an interactive Jupyter notebook session for a notebook located in the notebooks directory, a logging.basicConfig() configuration will be initialized at the INFO logging level, and log events will be output to sys.stdout.

Diagram illustrating the Default cc-pydata project logging behavior

Below is a flow diagram illustrating the default project logging behavior described above:

digraph pydata_logging {
     node [shape = box, fontname = Monospace]
     1 [label = "import <package-name>"]
     2 [label = "<package-name>.logger.start_logging()"]
     node [shape = box, color = lightblue, style = filled, fontname = Monospace]
     a [label = "logging.NullHandler()"]
     b [label = "logging.config.dictConfig(\l    os.environ['LOG_CFG']\l)"]
     c [label = "logging.config.dictConfig(logging.json)"]
     d [label = "logging.basicConfig(\l    stream=sys.stdout,\l    level=logging.INFO\l)"]
     node [shape = diamond]
     i [label = "Does the\nLOG_CFG environment\nvariable exist?"]
     ii [label = "Does the\nlogging.json file\nexist in the\nactive directory?"]
     1 -> a;
     a -> 2;
     2 -> i;
     i -> b [ label = "Yes" ];
     i -> ii [ label = "No" ];
     ii -> c [ label = "Yes" ];
     ii -> d [ label = "No" ];

Customizing the provided logging.json configuration file

When calling <package-name>.logger.start_logging() from your cc-pydata project’s root directory, you are effectively initializing your logging session with logging.config.dictConfig(logging.json).

The default logging.json configuration file provided with the cc-pydata template simply provides a single root handler that logs to sys.stdout at the INFO logging level.

To add additional handlers, change logging levels, change formatters, or add filters to this logging.json file, please see:

Functions provided in the custom <package-name>.logger module

The cc-pydata project template provides a built in custom logging module located at the <package-name>.logger namespace.

This logger module has been kept simple with the thought that users can build additional logging functionality to suite the needs of their own data science project.

The logger module comes with two provided functions:


Set up logging configuration for the cc-pydata project package


Decorator wrap function call to provide log information when a function is called

Both logger functions are described in greater detail below.

The <package-name>.logger.start_logging() function

This function activates a logging configuration for the cc-pydata project package during your current session.

param default_path

string file path for json formatted logging configuration file (default is 'logging.json')

param default_level

string indicating the default level for logging, accepts the following values: 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL' (default is 'INFO')

param env_key

string indicating environment key if one exists (default is 'LOG_CFG')


from <package-name>.logger import start_logging



The <package-name>.logger.logfunc() decorator function

This function acts as a functools.wraps decorator for decorating functions or methods to provide logging functionality to log details of the decorated function

param orig_func

NoneType placeholder parameter

param log

logging.getLogger object for logging, default is None

param funcname

boolean indicating whether to log name of function, default is False

param argvals

boolean indicating whether to log function arguments, default is False

param docdescr

boolean indicating whether to log function docstring short description, default is False

param runtime

boolean indicating whether to log function execution runtime in seconds, default is False


functools.wraps wrapper function

Please note that all logs are generate at the INFO logging level


import logging
from <package-name>.logger import logfunc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@logfunc(log=log, funcname=True, runtime=True)
def some_function(arg1, **kwargs):

For additional information on best practices and logging in Python

If you are new to logging, or are considering logging for the first time in the context of a Python data science project, here are some additional resources I have found to be helpful: